Economic, Regeneration Tourism and Transport  


Project Development Fund

Project Scoping & Budget Holder Approval Form




NYC Area Constituency Committee Name

Scarborough & Whitby

Project Name

Research into offshore economic opportunities at Scarborough and Whitby Harbours

Description of Project Location

Undertake research to identify the potential economic opportunities associated with offshore industries and identify recommended actions to enable these to be realised

NYC Division(s) in which the project is located


Castle, Whitby Streonshalh (directly);

other coastal divisions (indirectly)

Project Lead Officer Details



Howard Wallis

Job Title

Senior Economy & Infrastructure Officer



01653 638274 / 07587 714330



Please outline why the budget is required and what are the current barriers to project development it will help overcome?


The project will involve appointing a suitably experienced consultant to undertake the following work:


·         Review and update the findings of previous studies and reports

·         Identify and consult with key stakeholders associated with relevant industries / activities

·         Identify any further economic opportunities associated with offshore wind, or other offshore industries, to which Scarborough and Whitby Harbours could contribute, e.g. associated with:

o   Operation and maintenance of offshore wind facilities

o   Servicing, repair and maintenance of vessels servicing the above

o   Local support to operations based at larger ports (e.g. around the Humber)

o   [Carbon sequestration associated with seaweed farming*]

·         Given the long sea-faring heritage and culture of the Yorkshire Coast, identify how such opportunities could be exploited and promoted to mitigate against reduced employment opportunities within traditional fishing industries (which nevertheless remain an important element of the local economy), maximising opportunities for skilled & well-paid employment within future off-shore/maritime industries - aiding the retention of young people within the local area and strengthening economic resilience

·         Identify ways in which businesses could be supported to make best use of local supply chains associated with the above

·         Identify how existing and planned facilities (e.g. Whitby Maritime Hub, Scarborough West Pier regeneration plans, & proposed new boatlift) can be used / developed to maximise their benefits and economic opportunities

·         Identify any additional facilities, or other provision, required to realise such economic opportunities, e.g.

o   Crew transfer / safe haven facilities

o   Provision of additional skills & training programmes to support the above and to maximise local accessibility to the range of training and qualifications associated with careers in the offshore/ maritime industry

·         Assess the potential economic benefits of such opportunities

·         Assess the potential commercial benefits associated with operation of the harbours (which can help to inform the future Harbours Strategy)

·         Develop a Strategy and recommended Action Plan to identify clear actions (and their estimated costs) that the Council can take to realise and maximise the above benefits


* It is understood that Seagrown are currently undertaking work relating to carbon sequestration associated with seaweed farming and the potential for this to expanded, with significant R&D / innovative technology.  The consultants will need to liaise with Seagrown to identify any further opportunities or recommended provision / facilities associated with this study.


[NB – tidal energy feasibility work has already been undertaken and so is excluded from this work]


Please detail what specific costs the budget will be spent on?



·         Internal procurement & legal costs

·         Consultant costs to undertake the study

Please describe the future project that this activity will help to unlock.


The project will develop an action plan to inform future activity.  Whilst we would not want to pre-empt the outcomes of this work, we would envisage that this might set out how the Council can support:


·         Development of any new facilities that may be required

·         Help to refine proposals for skills / training / learning opportunities provided at the Whitby Maritime Training Hub

·         Inform development of the Harbours Strategy



Detail how the project will contribute to the North Yorkshire Council ‘Council Plan’ and the Economic Growth Strategy or the Destination Management Plan


(Reference should be made on how a future project will help deliver the respective strategies)


By seeking to maximise the economic and commercial opportunities for the harbours associated with offshore industries, the project contributes to the following:


Council Plan as follows:


Place & Environment:

·         To promote renewable energy

·         To prioritise nature-based solutions in climate change activity

·         To develop sequestration projects and carbon capture



·         To invest in land, buildings and sustainable infrastructure to support economic growth

·         To encourage and support an increase in good quality jobs. High value employment, wages and skills retention

·         To ensure that skills meet the needs of both existing and emerging industries including … low carbon sectors

·         To attract and retain young people and working age adults to live and work in North Yorkshire



·         To ensure that services provide value for money – by optimising the commercial potential and economic benefits of the harbours.

Economic Growth Strategy

·         Pillar 1 – Enterprise, Innovation & growth sectors – e.g.

o   Connecting with anchor institutions, supporting them to adopt approaches which enhance their local economic impact

o   supply chain mapping to identify opportunities for economic growth

·         Pillar 2 – Infrastructure:

o   Utilise the NYC estate to deliver regeneration, place shaping and other council priorities

·         Pillar 3 – Skilled & prosperous communities:

o   Promote and enable technical education working with learners, teachers and businesses

o   Skills brokerage to connect employers to skills support and employees by developing targeted / specialist skills provision

o   E.g. by exploring ways to improve local accessibility to the full range of offshore/maritime training and qualifications


Detail how this project meets local priorities including linkages with local regeneration plans and strategies.


By seeking to maximise the economic and commercial opportunities for the harbours associated with offshore industries, the project contributes to the following local regeneration plans & strategies:


·         The Scarborough Blueprint (2021)

o   1 – Harbour Regeneration


·         Scarborough Town Deal - Town Investment Plan (2020):


o   Objective 4 – Realising the potential of the harbour – by maximising its economic and commercial opportunities, this will contribute towards the following Workstreams:

§  Resilience and sustainability

§  Skills and Enterprise

and building on plans for Harbour Regeneration


·         Whitby Town Deal – Town Investment Plan (2020)

o   Objective 1 – Establish a harbour which embodies traditional and 21st Century maritime culture

o   Objective 3 – Host world class business and cutting-edge learning activities

Again, by maximising its economic and commercial opportunities, this will contribute towards the workstreams:

§  Resilience and sustainability

§  Skills and Enterprise



Will the service area be making a financial contribution to the project development costs?  If so, please detail.


No – but this could potentially be reviewed if tenders / quotations exceed any amount awarded.  Should this situation occur, supplementary funding sources will be considered to understand if there is headroom available, and if so to include any additional spend in budget forecasts.

Please confirm the amount of money required.


Please provide a breakdown of costs / estimates where available and how these have been calculated.

£20,000 (estimated following initial conversation with Align Property Partners) to include:


·         £500 (say) for internal costs associated with procurement & legal work)

·         £19,500 – consultant costs



What is the staffing resource within NYC required / how will it be resourced?


Has the capacity to complete the activity been confirmed with the relevant service manager?


Dependencies on other NYC services


It is anticipated that this piece of work will be undertaken by an external consultant.  Responsibility for leading and managing the project would be led by the Economic Development / Regeneration service.


The precise staffing allocation is likely to depend on the outcomes of the service restructure that is currently being undertaken – but it is expected that capacity would be allocated to this scheme.


The work will require input from staffing in the following services:

·         Engineering & Coastal Projects (Environment)

·         Harbour Operations (Environment)

·         Strategy & Skills (Community Development)

·         Education & Skills (Children & Young People)

Please outline the anticipated timeframe for delivery of the activity?


Please include details of how the activity will be procured (if required).


·         June 2024 - Funding Approved

·         July 2024 – Prepare project brief

·         Aug 2024 – Procurement*

·         Sept 2024 - Appointment of consultant

·         Dec 2024 - Issue Draft Report

·         Jan 2025 - Issue Final Report


* Procurement expected to be by seeking quotations from 3 or 4 suitably qualified and experienced consultants


Can the proposed work to be funded delivered within the allocated financial year?

Yes.  The above programme is indicative only at this stage but includes plenty of float so even if there are delays to procurement, it can be delivered during the current financial year.

How will progress and the outcome of the project be reported to the ACC to aid effective monitoring?

The lead officer, or a nominated representative will provide a report, briefing note or verbal update (whichever is preferred by the committee) at ACC meetings.


What are the benefits of undertaking this work now?


What opportunities / estimated economic, social or environmental  benefits could be derived for the future project outlined above?


The proposed work will ensure that the Council has a clear Action Plan in place to enable it to make the most of the economic and commercial opportunities associated with the identified offshore industries and the operation of its harbours at Scarborough and Whitby.


The benefits could include:

·         Optimising use of, and benefits associated with, existing and planned facilities and assets (e.g. the two Harbours, Whitby Maritime Hub, new boat lift)

·         Supporting training providers

·         Creating opportunities for new jobs

·         Maximising commercial opportunities for the Council


The study is required to identify and quantify these benefits and particularly how they may best be realised.  If the study is not undertaken, then these economic benefits may not be realised - or their realisation may be considerably delayed. 



ACC Meeting Date When Project Scope Agreed


Draft Minute Number



(ACC Chairman)






Using the details in the Economic, Regeneration, Tourism and Transport Project Development Fund Guidance Note please comment on how the proposed project meets the identified criteria for the Fund.


Project Name





Project Details



Strategic Fit



Local Fit






Delivery, Timescales and Monitoring






Evaluation Completed By





Job Title









NYC Area Constituency Committee


Project Name


Lead Officer


Requested Budget Allocated?

Yes / No








Job Title

